Thursday, February 5, 2015

Opinion Editorial Reflection

          One of the main strategies that worked for me was putting out a broad topic and narrowing it down. Specifically, I took the topic of specialization and talked about how and why it is bad in the education system. A second strategy that worked extremely well for me was using personal experiences to strengthen my position for my topic. Using sentence combining from what we learned from Style Academy was not my strongest strategy to use. Instead of making unique and creative sentences I would usually over complicate them and end up making long boring sentences, most of them being run-on sentences. I am not usually the greatest at writing papers, so I did not know what to expect from this paper. As I started to write though, I found that, after my rough draft, that my paper had more structure to it and ended up with a more cohesive final draft.
          In my opinion editorial, the thesis for my rough draft was not very clear. However, after reviewing the rest of my paper I could more clearly see what my thesis was. I feel that this will be very helpful in the rhetorical analysis because, by reviewing the smaller points of the paper I will be able to see what the author’s thesis is and what the author wants to convey to their intended audience. In the future I could work on my sentence structure to better convey my analysis of papers.
          Overall I learned a lot from this paper. I learned about balancing ethos, pathos, and logos. I want to be able to maintain this balance in the future. I also want to be able to more readily organize my thoughts for papers so I can be a more efficient writer. These skills combined, along with more organization of time will make writing papers easier and allow for more time to edit my papers.

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