Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Generality: Economies change, as does the demand for certain types of expertise and skill.

Analogy: Just as wheat and corn survived the decline of the American farmer, our cultures, our values, and our yearning to understand our acquaintances and ourselves will survive the decline of the humanities major.

Sign: There is no clear if-then statement, but the whole article revolves around the fact the if the humanities majors decline then there is no reason to anticipate the decline of the humanities.

Causality: Fewer humanities majors will mean fewer credentialed literary theorists, hermeneutic circles, and other professions dealing with the humanities.

Authority: Academics do not have unique access to the instructions for being human.

Principal: Those who are upset with the trend of the decline in humanities are told, eat code.

Generality: The author thinks that Western mothers aren't strict enough with their children.

Analogy: Chinese mothers are more strict while Western mother's aren't strict enough which leads to Chinese children succeeding in academics more than Western children.

Sign: If parents push their children to go further and are stricter then they will be more successful.

Causality: Creates stereotypes and systematic learners out of children but prepares them for the future and lets them see what they're capable of.

Authority: The author is a Chinese mother and has had experience with her own children and raising them with the Chinese method instead of the Westerner method.

Principal: The reader is most likely a Westerner and would agree with allowing their children to be individuals rather than being overly harsh and strict like Chinese mothers (parents) are.

1 comment:

  1. I've been reading articles and watching films for my anthro class lately about food which reminds me of your first article. I also see how the functionalistic approach (we are all dependent on each other because of specialized skills - think body of Christ) is applied in the article.
